Post 6: Postgraduate studies.

Hi everyone!
Today I´m gonna write about what I would like to continue studying when I finish my degree.
First I want to say that I think it's a bit rushed to decide something like that because I am just in second year of college in arcchitecture, despite of I am decing betwen two branches of the career that interest me as a speciality, these are history of architecture and urbanism (my inclination is towards the latter).

With respect to this I would like to make a diploma or master in Urban planning because I think is really important the good planification in cities after all the people live in there and I would love help on that.

I would like to study in Europe because they are advanced in the subject, I don´t know the especific country, maybe it could be Denmark, Netherlands or another (I would have to look for the best option). I wouldn´t like to study in Chile beacuse here there is not much progress regarding planning and the authorities do not pay much atention.

In the event that I finally deepen to continue with the history of architecture I would like to study, as in the previous case, in Europe because that is where greastes numbers of buildings and historical processes are found with respecto of architecture.

With respct to the study system I would prefer one that would allow me to work and study at the same time.
