Post 8: Summer Plans.

Hi everyone!

At the end of the vacations I will go to Buenos Aires with my older sister, we are looking for an acommodation and plannning the trip but both of us are very excited.  The history of how we can go to that place is very fortunate because I won a competition of Jetsmart; Like a few month ago at the unimarc near the university the aircraft company was doing a contest wich consisted of opening a suitcase to archive it I had to guess three number of a lock and I did it, so I wont mony for travel, It the first time that I won someting like in a competition, it felt amazing. 
During all January I will come to University because I have a summer semester, the unpleasatness of the situation is that I will not vacations between the end of this semester and the beginign of other semester, I just hope it's not stressful. 
Although those plans I have to figure out what other thing I will do in summer maybe go home and spend time with my family because I don´t see them frecuently since I moved to this city so...
For February I would like something chill, maybe go to a solitary beach and read a book or sleep, something like that, honestly I don´t like sand so I hate swim in the ocean, I would like to a national park in there  make trekking and camp with my friends.
