Post 5: My future job.


When I started to think about what I will write in this post the first idea that across my mind was "something related with architecture" because is the career that I am doing,  but I think I will lie to you because I would love to do a lot of things that are not realeted at all.
My dream is travel around the globe so I wouldn´t mind work on anything if I have to.
I want to study more stuff like photography or philology so I guess that I imagine me (in a very utopic way) having different type of jobs because I like to many professions.
I would feel more comfortable working outdoors and travel to work and not travel because my job.
And you will ask, How you gonna do with the salary n these utopic dream? Well I think that is obviously that I will be economically unestable but I just hope that don´t lack food. 
Either way, my vision of work like that is so difficult and unrealistic that maybe I am westing my time with that idea or maybe not. I guess I will sort out when I finish my career. 

Resultado de imagen para photography
